

Why our office use Biohorizon implant

Why our Office Use Biohorizons Implants??

We will be your Mates on your journey towards the smile you desire and cherish for.

      •  World’s one of the Leading implant companies. Considered amongst the best Implants in the world.

      • Only BioHorizons implants have a proprietary technology called Laser-Lok at the gum line area, which is truly a remarkable innovation. Laser-Lok is a series of cell-sized microchannels that are precisely carved around the upper implant surface with a laser. While virtually all implants on the market have a roughened surface to promote attachment of bone cells, only Laser-Lok channels are optimally sized to attach both bone cells and gum cells. The stability this creates is unmatched and is thought to provide the best environment to resist future gum recession. Also, research has shown Laser-Lok to be more effective than other implant designs in reducing bone loss

      • For more than 20 years, BioHorizons has been committed to providing the most comprehensive line of evidence-based, scientifically proven dental implants and tissue-regeneration products.

      •  Presence in over 90 Countries worldwide, All Internationl certificates for quality, USFDA, CE, and all possible certificates, and an Amazing success rate of 99.5% makes it one of most trusted brand in the world